Tag Archives: party

What happens in Kavos…

I returned from Kavos on Friday and WOW! What a week! My body is definitely paying for it now though! I have a chest infection, I am so physically exhausted and I my legs are cramping up all the time from the hectic dancing every night. But I’d do it all again! I loved being out there but I was ready to come home after the week. I want to go back on another girls holiday already though!

So, a quick recap. I only slept with two people (some may think that’s a lot, I don’t…) I had people joking it’s at least one a night but I wasn’t that wild! Both guys I slept with more than once and also continued to text. I’m still texting one now so I think that’s good. Well it’s actually not but I’ll fill you all in about that later!

We arrived in the evening, got some food and of course – headed out! In Kavos we learnt that you can’t go out until 1am really else it’s quite quiet and tame. We went early season too… If I was to do it all again, we would have booked it a good few weeks later. It was all starting to kick off as we were leaving, but that being said, we still had an awesome time!

There were four of us. I was very open to the idea of having sex abroad. As long as it’s not with the Grecian locals, I don’t see why it’s any different to fucking back home. The other three were very against the idea. HAHA! I knew it wouldn’t last. One of the girls didn’t sleep with anyone bless her, and I don’t blame her. She’s only slept with one guy and she’s 22. The other two? HYPOCRITES! 

The first night was rather entertaining. I was so worried because it looked dead and there was literally no one out when we were eating at like 10pm. In time, I realised why that was. But I was extremely put off by it at first! Long story short, I fancied this ‘cunty snap back type’ (it became a joke with us because that’s the guys I’d go for) with a beard and tattoos. I decided I wanted him straight away and was told he is very fussy. Clearly not! Ha. I pulled him the first night and ended up going to his apartment. I refused to have sex there though because I had a friend and her nights squeeze and certainly wasn’t going to fuck in the same room as her! So we all went for a walk on the beach. It was pitch black and we went our separate ways. We got down to it on the sand (luckily I didn’t get sand everywhere as I was on top) and it was kinda cool because it’s always a place I’ve wanted to tick off! The sex was cut short because the condom came off and I refused to continue without. We continued to text for the holiday and on the second last night, he finally got his way. We went back to mine and fucked again. The apartment was full so it was annoying. We started to fuck in the bed but I didn’t like that my friend was there, albeit asleep. So I made him stop the spoon position and we went into the bathroom instead. He knew what he was doing, was stronger than expected, could lift me into all sorts of positions and looked a good hair pulling.

Rewind a little… On the third night, I met another guy. He’s completely NOT my type. Joey Essex lookalike, very vain, amazing body, fake tanned, ridiculous fashion sense… But there was just something about him. We ended up going back together and had decent sex! I wouldn’t say he was amazing with his hands or mouth and probably not even that great in bed… But I fancied him so damn much! He stayed and kissed me before he left and went. He text later on and met up again. We went to the beach whilst my friend had the room with her guy and then we eventually walked back and had sex again. This time it was much better. I was on top and he loved it, said I was amazing. Though I’m sure men say that to anyone they are fucking hahaha! 

I saw him at a foam party and it was also amazing. We had had a falling out over his friend (he fancied me and I said I wasn’t interested… Next thing I know, he’s gone and told my guy that I offered to fuck him… WTF! So my guy went mad and we had a huge argument). He approached me and said he wanted to hate me but that I was too hot to ignore. We made up and had fun at the foam party. We kissed and danced and it was a good laugh. We met up later that night and I saw him at a big party. We kissed and some girl approached me and basically told me she had also been fucking him. 

Now, it sounds silly, but I was actually pretty gutted. I fancied him so much and he had been so possessive for the past few days, saying I wasn’t allowed to kiss any guys and certainly not sleep with them. I kept to my word and obviously he didn’t. My friend went MAD! She threw a drink over him, started pushing him and even punched him in the face. It was rather humorous. I sent him a shitty text saying I’m glad I used a condom because he’s clearly a dirty skank etc and the next day he apologised. We made up and I said I was stupid to expect any less from a guy I met in Kavos. It just annoyed me that he was controlling and had double standards. But I got my revenge the next day. We went for a big talk and he was all ‘lets have a heart to heart.’ He said he was sorry for being a cunt and said that he was a nice guy etc. And I said ‘look it’s okay. You slept with someone on the first night, so did I, that’s life. It’s Kavos.’ He was like ‘ERR WHAT!? YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THAT!’ I was like ‘Yeah… You didn’t tell me you’ve been shagging some girl behind my back either? And?’ He stormed off and I was so smug about it for hours afterwards, it was my own revenge. And best served cold. Haha!

After all that though he still text and asked for one ‘last holiday bang’ – So we met up, went back to his for the first time, locked the door and ignored his friends when they were banging on the door… We had awesome sex, it was fiesty and naughty. I kept saying how much I hated him and that he was a cunt. Still couldn’t resist though. Even as I was bent over the kitchen counter, he said: “This is so fucking bad…” And I was like: “Yeah, it’s so wrong… But feels so good.” He laughed and started to fuck me even harder. Afterwards, I said I had to go. He wanted to spoon but it was my last night and I had a flight to catch the next day. He walked me home and we held hands and spoke about all the drama of the holiday. 

Since being back, I’ve discovered he has a girlfriend. I suspected it whilst I was there but he denied it. We talk and I’ve said to him that he should just end it with her. He says he’s going to behave from now on and that it was only Kavos behavior. What’s even more funny is that he said: “I’m actually proper behaved usually. I hadn’t even spoken or done anything with any girls for 6 months before coming to Kavos.” He’s been with this girl for two years… I saw his and her instagrams and she put stuff like: 2 years with my boy. #lovehim #allmime #heisamazing.     I was like UH OH! I said he should end it with her because it’s not fair and it won’t last if he’s cheated already. He was like: “Nah I disagree. I have mates who are married with kids and they still misbehave every now and then.” Like WOW! What a great lifestyle to aspire to… But each to their own!

I’m just excited for my year ahead, I have so much organised! I have work experience in just under two weeks, a house festival with my cousin mid July followed by maybe a weekend away partying with her. I have a holiday with my sister in August (though it’s yet to be booked, last minute deals ayyy!), Zoo Project in September, a weekend away with my sister and then the start of my second year at University… And now this thing called ‘Naughty Reuinion’ which is a weekend festival with over 6000 people who have been abroad on wild holidays. You stay in lovely little chalets and the clubs don’t close for 52 hours!!! FUN FUN FUN!!!


I love life at the moment. I feel like we are both sharing our very own little nirvana. My whole family know about him and openly accept him. He’s warming to them and feeling more comfortable. My sister has finally accepted that he’s a lovely guy too.

He stayed last night and the night before. And the night before that a few days back. He’s stayed a fair few times now! I love falling asleep with him there. Sometimes I even fall asleep in his arms and that in itself is crazy – I never do that!! And even when I roll over to the edge of the bed like usual, he still puts his hand on my back or bum or we even entwine our hands and fingers together and sleep like that.


It’s just perfect. I love waking up to him. I love the fact that he’s the last thing or person I see before I go to sleep and the first when I wake up. The only downfall is that he is always up at 6am for work! I always want him longer!

I’ve had cystitis for the last few days and it was agony! Which means we couldn’t have sex. In other words, he stayed round twice, both of us laying naked together, in a bed… Yet we couldn’t have sex! It was torture for us! I had work today and went to his afterwards – my sister dropped me off sneakily because I didn’t tell mum hahaha. I didn’t want her being all ‘oh seeing him again? Very serious for a relationship of a few months…’ because obviously I know that it’s different.

We had amazing sex. I literally had to jump his bones. He was adamant that we wouldn’t have sex because he so desperately didn’t want me in the pain I was in a few days ago. But I pushed and I rubbed and I grabbed… And eventually he rolled over and slammed into me – much to my body’s appreciation. I screamed so loud in his empty house, which felt good as I’m used to having to keep quiet!

I will hate the next few days though… I’ll be in paradise alone! We were lucky to see each other tonight. Tomorrow he’s working in Nottingham and is going out partying afterwards in the city with his old boss and another colleague. Then Friday he’s hoping to shop in Nottingham (he hasn’t started Christmas shopping yet and he’s got a Michael Kors watch to find! Hehehe) and is DJing in the evening. I’m hoping that we can slot each other in Friday. It’s not so bad now but the conversation a few days ago was funny.

I didn’t see him Monday – I usually always see him Monday. That’s our day. But it was his mums birthday so he had to go to her meal. He managed to come round afterwards but it was late. Tuesday he said he would make it up to me – to only find that he had football training… So we couldn’t go for a nice meal. Was good though. I saw him for a few hours, he left for training and I started cooking lasagne for my family and blue. Then when he arrived back he had dinner and we spent the night cuddling and slept together – yes we actually S-L-E-P-T!?!?!?!?

He said: I’ll make it up to you on Wednesday, I’ll take you for dinner. I replied: No you won’t I’m afraid, I’m working… But I can see you Thursday? He said: Owwww I’m in Nottingham all day and night. So it was a little like OH BRILLIANT! But now it’s alright I suppose. As I said, I’m hoping to squeeze him in Friday after DJing. Because Saturday I’m working and then going out with family and friends to party straight after at a Christmas party and he’s in Milton Keynes with his brother that saturday.

I can’t wait to get this week finished and over and to have the usual back – seeing him lots without too much limitation or too many plans.

I love him. I love him. I LOVE him. I LOVE HIM. I. Love. Him. i love him. i LOVE him. ilovehim. i.love.him. ILOVEEEEEEEHIM ❤

Everything just feels so perfectly right at the moment.
